Over the coming weeks I will post some scripts I have created out of need at my current employer for connecting and managing Google Suite for Education.
My IT Resource Book
My IT experiences through work and seminars.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Today's script is for those who manage AzureSync and looking for a quick way to kick off Full or Delta syncs without having to RDP to the server and execute script.
Pretty straight forward script and lots of comments / verbose messages. Unless requested will not be providing a code break out post.
Pretty straight forward script and lots of comments / verbose messages. Unless requested will not be providing a code break out post.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 | <# .SYNOPSIS Run Azure (DirSync) on dedicated remote server .DESCRIPTION Run Azure (DirSync) on dedicated remote server .PARAMETER Type Type of Sync to complete o Delta - Changes only o Full - Complete re-sync .PARAMETER ADSyncPath Enter path for ADSync modeule if different then default .PARAMETER Server Target server that has Azure Sync installed .EXAMPLE Execute a full Azure Sync Invoke-O365AzureSync.ps1 -Server server -Type Full .EXAMPLE Execute a change only Azure Sync Invoke-O365AzureSync.ps1 -Server server -Type Delta .NOTES Created by Chris Lee Date September 6, 2016 .LINK GitHub: https://github.com/clee1107/Public/blob/master/O365/Invoke-O365AzureSync.ps1 Blogger:http://www.myitresourcebook.com/2017/08/invoke-o365azuresyncps1.html #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Delta','Full')] $type, [string] $ADSyncPath= 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin\ADSync\ADSync.psd1', [string] $Server ) ################################# ## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ## ################################# ## region Functions Function Test-Verbose { [cmdletbinding()] Param() Write-Verbose "Verbose output" "Regular output" } Test-Verbose ## endregion ################################# ## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ## ################################# ## Connect to remote server Write-Verbose -Message "Opening PSSession to $Server" $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Server ## Check that ADSync is present at supplied path Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for ADSync.psd1 at $ADSyncPath" If (Invoke-command -Session $Session -ArgumentList $ADSyncPath -scriptblock { param ($ADSyncPath) Test-Path $ADSyncPath}) { Write-Verbose -Message "ADSync Module found" Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ArgumentList $ADSyncPath -scriptblock { param ($ADSyncPath) Import-Module $ADSyncPath} Write-Verbose -Message "ADSync Module Loaded" ## Check if request for Delta Sync otherwise (else) execute full If ($type -eq "Delta") { Write-Verbose -Message "Executing Change Only (Delta) Sync" Invoke-Command -Session $Session {Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta} } Else { Write-Verbose -Message "Executing Full Sync" Invoke-Command -Session $Session {Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Initial} } } Else { Verbose-Error "Unable to locate ADSync.psd1 at $ADSyncPath" } ## Close and Remove the remote session Write-Verbose -Message "Removing PSSession to $Server" Remove-PSSession $Session |
Full script can be accessed from following link:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Code Snippets created via: http://hilite.me/
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Today's script does some basic house cleaning when closing Office 365 Sessions.
As script is simple now code break down unless I receive requests.
As script is simple now code break down unless I receive requests.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | <# .SYNOPSIS Remove open O365 PSSessions .DESCRIPTION Remove open O365 PSSessions .EXAMPLE Remove-O365PSSession.ps1 .NOTES Created by Chris Lee Date April 20, 2017 .LINK GitHub: https://github.com/clee1107/Public/blob/master/O365/Remove-O365PSSession.ps1 Blogger:http://www.myitresourcebook.com/2017/08/httpsgithubcomclee1107publicblobmastero.html #> ################################# ## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ## ################################# ##Close open All O365 product Sessions Write-Verbose -Message "Removing all PSSessions" Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession Write-Verbose -Message "Disconnecting SharePoint Online" $ExitPowershell = Read-Host -Prompt "Disconnect from O365 (Will close current Powershell Window) [Y]/N" If ($ExitPowershell -eq "Y" -OR $ExitPowershell -eq $null -OR $ExitPowershell -eq "") { stop-process -Id $PID } |
Full script can be accessed from following link:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Code Snippets created via: http://hilite.me/
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Today's script can be used with previous Set-O365EncryptedCredentials or standalone.
Scope of script is following:
Scope of script is following:
- Checks for stale O365 Sessions and closes them
- Will use saved credentials (Set-O365EncryptedCredentials.PS1) or prompt for user to provide
- Will fail if MSOnline Module not installed
- Will Skip SharePoint / Skype if required modules not installed
Due to length of script unless requested will not be doing code break down.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 | <# .SYNOPSIS Connect to O365 .DESCRIPTION Connect to O365 If Encrypeted path available will use that otherwise prompts for credentials. .PARAMETER SkipSharePoint If no DNS for SharePoint, add this to skip SharePoint options .PARAMETER SkipSkype If no DNS for Lync, add this to skip Lync options .PARAMETER SkipExchange If no DNS for Exchange, add this to skip Exchange options .PARAMETER SkipSecurity If no DNS for Security & Compliance Center, add this to skip Security & Compliance Center options .PARAMETER Path Enter alternate path for ecrypted credential files, defualt is users local app data .EXAMPLE Opens PowerShell Session for all Office365 products New-O365PSSession.ps1 .EXAMPLE Opens PowerShell Session for all Office365 products except Exchange online New-O365PSSession.ps1 -skipExchange .NOTES Created by Chris Lee Date April 20, 2017 Some code pulled from: PoShConnectToOffice365.ps1 Created by DJacobs for HBS.NET .LINK GitHub: https://github.com/clee1107/Public/blob/master/O365/New-O365PSSession.ps1 Blogger:http://www.myitresourcebook.com/2017/08/new-o365pssessionps1.html #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [switch] $SkipSharePoint, [switch] $SkipSkype, [switch] $SkipExchange, [switch] $SkipSecurity, [String] $Path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("LocalApplicationData") ) ################################# ## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ## ################################# ## region Functions Function Test-Verbose { [cmdletbinding()] Param() Write-Verbose "Verbose output" "Regular output" } Test-Verbose ## endregion ## Check for Credential Files present ##Check for User file Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for optional user file" IF (!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\O365user.txt")) { $AdminName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your tenant UPN" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "User File found" $AdminName = Get-Content "$Path\O365user.txt" } ##Load Encrypted password file Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for required password file" IF (!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\O365cred.txt")) { $Pass = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your tenant password" -AsSecureString ` | ConvertFrom-SecureString } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Password File Found" $Pass = Get-Content "$Path\O365cred.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString } ## Create Cred variable Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Credential varialble from files" $Cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $AdminName, $Pass ## Check for O365 Component Modules ## MSOnline (AzureAD) Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline" Import-Module MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Verbose -Message "MSOnline Module not found." Throw "MSOnline Module not found. Must install to continue. Can be installed via PowerShell script: Install-O365Modules.PS1" } ## SharePoint Online Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing SharePoint Module" Import-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Verbose -Message "SharePoint Online Module not found." Write-Error "SharePoint Online Module not found, will be skiped. Can be installed via PowerShell script: Install-O365Modules.PS1" $SkipSharePoint = $True } ## Skype for Business Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Skype for Business Module" Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Verbose -Message "Skype for Business Module not found." Write-Error "Skype for Business Module not found, will be skiped. Can be installed via PowerShell script: Install-O365Modules.PS1" $SkipSkype = $True } ## Connect of O365 with error checks ##Connect MSOnline (Azure Active Directory) Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting MSOnline (Office 365)" ## Office 365 Try #Check if already connected to MSOnline { Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if already connected to MSOnline (Azure Active Directory)" Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction Stop > $null Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Already Connected to MSOnline (Azure Active Directory)" } Catch #Connect to MSOline { Try #Try to connect to MSOnline { Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting MsolService" Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction Stop > $null Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Connected to MSOnline (Azure Active Directory)" } Catch [Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.MicrosoftOnlineException] #Failed to connect bad credentials { Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to Connect to MsolService because bad username or password." -ErrorAction Stop } Catch #Failed to connect other then credential issue { #$_ | fl * -Force Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to connect to MsolService because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } if ($ShowProgress) #Present MSOL Domains connected to { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Listing MSOL Domains" Get-MsolDomain | ft -AutoSize } } ##Connect SharePoint Online Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting SharePoint Online" ##SharePoint if (-not $SkipSharePoint) { Try #Check if already connected to Sharepoint Online { Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if already connected to SharePoint Online" Get-SPOsite -ErrorAction Stop > $null Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Already Connected to SharePoint Online" } Catch #Connect to SharePoint Online { Write-Verbose -Message "Not connected to SharePoint Online" Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Connecting SP Online Service" Connect-SPOService -Url https://$spAdminName-admin.sharepoint.com -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop Get-SPOSite -ErrorAction Stop > $null Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Connected to SharePoint Online" } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot connect to 'SPOService' because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } if ($ShowProgress) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Listing SP Online Sites" Get-SPOSite | ft -AutoSize } } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping SharePoint" } ##Connect Skype for Business Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting Skype for Business" if (-not $SkipSkype) { Try { Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if already connected to Skype for Business" If ((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "admin1a*" -AND $_.State -like "Opened"})) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Already Connected to Skype for Business" Write-Verbose -Message "Removing broken PSSessions for Skype for Business" $PSSessionIDs = Get-PSSession ` | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "admin1a*" -AND $_.State -notlike "Opened"} ` | Select-Object Id If ($PSSessionIDs -eq $null -OR $PSSessionIDs -eq "") { Write-Verbose -Message "No broken sessions to remove" } else { Foreach ($PSessionID in $PSSessionIDs) {Remove-PSSession $PSessionID} Write-Verbose -Message "All broken Skype for Business sessions removed" } } } Catch { Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Creating Skype for Business Session" $skypeSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Warning "$(Get-Date -f o) Error. Cannot connect to Skype for Business because $_" } Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing PSSession for Skype for Business" $null = Import-PSSession $skypeSession -AllowClobber -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully imported PSSession for Skype for Business." } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Failed to import PSSession for Skype for Business." -ErrorAction Continue } } if ($ShowProgress) { if (Get-Command -Name Get-CsMeetingConfiguration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully connected to Skype for Business." } else { Write-Warning -Message "Error. Did not connect to Skype for Business." } } If ((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "admin1a*" -AND $_.State -like "Opened"})) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Connected to Skype for Business" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to connect to Skype for Business" } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping Skype for Business" } ##Connect Exchange Online Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting Exchange Online" #$Exchange if (-not $SkipExchange) { Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if already connected to Exchange Online" If ((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "outlook*" -AND $_.State -like "Opened"})) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Already Connected to Exchange Online" Write-Verbose -Message "Removing broken PSSessions for Exchange" $PSSessionIDs = Get-PSSession ` | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "outlook*" -AND $_.State -notlike "Opened"} ` | Select-Object Id If ($PSSessionIDs -eq $null -OR $PSSessionIDs -eq "") { Write-Verbose -Message "No broken sessions to remove" } else { Foreach ($PSessionID in $PSSessionIDs) {Remove-PSSession $PSessionID} Write-Verbose -Message "All broken Exchange sessions removed" } } else { Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Creating Exchange Session" $exchangeSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange ` -ConnectionUri "https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/" ` -Credential $cred ` -Authentication "Basic" ` -AllowRedirection ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully created Exchange Session." } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot talk to Exchange because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing PSSession for Exchange" $null = Import-PSSession $exchangeSession -AllowClobber -ErrorAction Stop -DisableNameChecking Write-Verbose -Message "Imported PSSession for Exchange." } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot Import PSSession for Exchange because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } if ($ShowProgress) { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Listing Accepted Domains" Get-AcceptedDomain | Format-Table -Property DomainName, DomainType, IsValid -AutoSize } If ((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "outlook*" -AND $_.State -like "Opened"})) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Connected to Exchange" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to connect to Exchange" } } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping Exchange" } ##Connect Security & Compliance Center Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting Security & Compliance Center" #$Exchange if (-not $SkipSecurity) { If ((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "*compliance.protection.outlook*" -AND $_.State -like "Opened"})) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Already Connected to Security & Compliance Center Online" Write-Verbose -Message "Removing broken PSSessions for Security & Compliance Center" $PSSessionIDs = Get-PSSession ` | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "*compliance.protection.outlook*" -AND $_.State -notlike "Opened"} ` | Select-Object Id If ($PSSessionIDs -eq $null -OR $PSSessionIDs -eq "") { Write-Verbose -Message "No broken sessions to remove" } else { Foreach ($PSessionID in $PSSessionIDs) {Remove-PSSession $PSessionID} Write-Verbose -Message "All broken Exchange sessions removed" } } else { Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Creating Security & Compliance Center Session" $securitySession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange ` -ConnectionUri "https://ps.compliance.protection.outlook.com/powershell-liveid/" ` -Credential $cred ` -Authentication "Basic" ` -AllowRedirection ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully created Exchange Security & Compliance Session." } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot talk to Exchange Security & Compliance because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing PSSession for Security & Compliance Center" $securitySession = Import-PSSession $securitySession -Prefix cc -AllowClobber -ErrorAction Stop -DisableNameChecking } Catch { Write-Warning "Error. Cannot Import PSSession for Security & Compliance Center because $_" } if ($ShowProgress) { if (Get-Command -Name Get-CsMeetingConfiguration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-Verbose -Message "Successfully connected to Security & Compliance Center." } else { Write-Warning -Message "Error. Did not connect to Security & Compliance Center." } } If ((Get-PSSession | Where-Object {$_.ComputerName -like "*compliance.protection.outlook*" -AND $_.State -like "Opened"})) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Connected to Security & Compliance Center" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to connect to Security & Compliance Center" } } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Skipping Security & Compliance Center" } |
Full script can be accessed from following link:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Code Snippets created via: http://hilite.me/
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Today's post is aimed at setting up your system to connect to all the components of O365.
I feel this script is pretty straight forward and self explaining. If receive requests will come back and do a more in depth post on what is happening.
Full script can be accessed from following link:
I feel this script is pretty straight forward and self explaining. If receive requests will come back and do a more in depth post on what is happening.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 | <# .SYNOPSIS Check for O365 components are present and attempt to install or direct to installers. .DESCRIPTION Check for O365 components are present and attempt to install or direct to installers. Installs missing modules for: o Active Directory Online o Skype for Business Online o SharePointOnline .EXAMPLE Standard execution Install-O365Modules.ps1 .EXAMPLE Verbose messages for troubleshooting installation Install-O365Modules.ps1 -Verbose .NOTES Created by Chris Lee Date April 20, 2017 Some code pulled from: PoShConnectToOffice365.ps1 Created by DJacobs for HBS.NET .LINK GitHub: https://github.com/clee1107/Public/blob/master/O365/Install-O365Modules.ps1 Blogger: http://www.myitresourcebook.com/2017/08/install-o365modulesps1.html #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( ) ################################# ## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ## ################################# ## Install O365 Components ##Install MSOnline (Azure Active Directory) Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for MSOnline (Office 365) Module" ## Office 365 Try { Write-Verbose -Message "Not connected to MSOnline (Azure Active Directory)" Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline" Import-Module MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Verbose -Message "MSOnline Module not found." Write-Verbose -Message 'Check if PowerShell session running in "run as administrator"' If (((whoami /all | select-string S-1-16-12288) -ne $null) -eq $false) { Write-Error 'PowerShell must be ran in "run as administrator to install MSOnline module"' Exit } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Installing MSOnline Module" Install-Module MSOnline Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline" Import-Module MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot import module 'MSOnline' because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } } } ##Install SharePoint Online Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for SharePoint Online Module" ##SharePoint Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing SharePoint Module" Import-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Verbose -Message "SharePoint Online Module not found." $temp = Read-Host "Launch browser to download SharePoint Online Management Shell? [Y]/N" If ($temp -eq $null -OR $temp -eq "" -OR $temp -eq "Y") { Start-Process https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35588 } Else { Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to import the module 'Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell' because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } } ##Install Skype for Business Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for Skype for Business Module" Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module Skype for Business Online Connector" Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Verbose -Message "SkypeOnlineConnector Module not found." $temp = Read-Host "Launch browser to download Skype for Business Online, Windows PowerShell Module? [Y]/N" If ($temp -eq $null -OR $temp -eq "" -OR $temp -eq "Y") { Start-Process https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39366 } Else { Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to import the module 'SkypeOnlineConnector' because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } } |
Full script can be accessed from following link:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Code Snippets created via: http://hilite.me/
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Today's post relies on scripts discussed over the past two weeks:
The purpose of Test-O365EncruptedCrednetials.ps1 is multi staged
- load credentials via Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1.
- use loaded credentials to execute MSOnline (Active Directory Online) connection to validate credentials (prompt to install needed module if not present)
- close PowerShell session when complete to close MSOnline session
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | <# .SYNOPSIS Test Connect to Office 365 using saved Office 365 Credentials from Set-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 .DESCRIPTION Load Credentials via Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 Execute MSOnline (Active Directory Online) connection to validate credentials . Will prompt to close when complete to close MSOnline session .PARAMETER Path Enter alternate path to save files to, defualt is users local app data .EXAMPLE Test Saved O365 credentials are valid. Test-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 .NOTES Created by Chris Lee Date April 20, 2017 Some code pulled from: PoShConnectToOffice365.ps1 Created by DJacobs for HBS.NET .LINK GitHub: https://github.com/clee1107/Public/blob/master/O365/Test-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 Blogger: http://www.myitresourcebook.com/2017/05/test-o365encryptedcredentialsps1.html #> |
This section of code contains needed information to respond to Get-Help requests. To view complete help execute string below:
It covers what the script does, provides details of parameters and even examples of how to execute the script. It is good practice to complete this one for yourself and future staff but also for contributing to the PowerShell community.
1 | Get-Help Set-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Full |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [String] $Path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("LocalApplicationData") ) |
This section defines the parameters for the script.
I utilize a single string to define a variable $Path. I further define a default value for the variable, happens to be the executing account's LocalApplcationData folder.
One could override the default by defining the parameter when executing the script like line 1:
Or by updating the default value in the script like lines 3-4.
To reduce novice users from breaking the code I place the above note in my scripts. Basically unless you know what you are doing or willing to learn how to fix something don't edit the code below this message.
I utilize a single string to define a variable $Path. I further define a default value for the variable, happens to be the executing account's LocalApplcationData folder.
One could override the default by defining the parameter when executing the script like line 1:
1 2 3 4 | Set-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Path "\\server\share\folder [String] $Path = "\\Server\share\folder" |
1 2 3 | ################################# ## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ## ################################# |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | ## Get Credentials Write-Verbose -Message "Calling Get-O365EnccryptedCredentials.ps1 to load saved O365 credentials." $Cred = Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Path $Path If ($Cred.username -eq $null -OR $Cred.username -eq "") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to load Encrypted Credentials" Write-Error -Message "Failed to load Encrypted Credentials" Exit } Else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Encrypted Credentials loaded" Write-Verbose -Message "Received from Get-O365EncryptedCredentials:" Write-Verbose -Message "Username: $($Cred.UserName)" } |
- Line 1 Comments out text via pound ( # ) and used as a section marker
- Line 2 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
- Line 3 Executes Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 with parameter -Path. Results are returned and stored in variable $Cred via assignment operator equals (=).
- Line 4 Logical test using If statement to test Credentials loaded from Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1
- Checks if multi-array $Cred is null or empty via following statements:
- $Cred.username -eq $null -OR $Cred.username -eq ""
- Lines 5-9
- Line 5 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for If is scriptblock
- Line 6 Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to load Encrypted Credentials"
- Line 7 Write-Error prints read error message to screen
Write-Error -Message "Failed to load Encrypted Credentials"
- Line 8 Exit quits the execution of script
- Line 9 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If is scriptblock
- Line 10 Declares our else statement, used with If to provide a defined set of code for when If returns as $false.
- Lines 11-15
- Line 11 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for If is scriptblock
- Line 12 Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Encrypted Credentials loaded"
- Line 13 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
Write-Verbose -Message "Received from Get-O365EncryptedCredentials:"
- Line 14 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
Write-Verbose -Message "Username: $($Cred.UserName)"
- Line 15 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If is scriptblock
Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Verbose |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | ## Connect of O365 with error checks ##Connect MSOnline (Azure Active Directory) Write-Verbose -Message "Testing MSOnline (Office 365) Connection with Credentials" ## Office 365 Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline" Import-Module MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Imported Module MSOline" } Catch { Write-Verbose -Message "MSOnline Module not found." Write-Verbose -Message 'Check if PowerShell session running in "run as administrator"' If (((whoami /all | select-string S-1-16-12288) -ne $null) -eq $false) { Write-Error 'PowerShell must be ran in "run as administrator to install MSOnline module"' Exit } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Installing MSOnline Module" Install-Module MSOnline Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline" Import-Module MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot import module 'MSOnline' because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } } } Try { Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting MSOnline" Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction Stop > $null Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Connected to MSOnline (Azure Active Directory)" Write-Verbose -Message "Connected MSOnline" } Catch [Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.MicrosoftOnlineException] { Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to Connect to MSOnline because bad username or password." -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to connect to MSOnline because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } |
- Line 1 Comments out text via pound ( # ) and used as a section marker
- Line 2 Comments out text via pound ( # )
- Line 3 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing.
- Line 4 Comments out text via pound ( # )
- Line 5 Introduce a new PowerShell cmdlet: Try_Catch_Finally
- Try followed by scriptblock ( {}) will attempt to run code within the script block if successful moves on, if fails will run following catch statement(s) and block(s)
5 6 7 8 9 10
Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline" Import-Module -Name MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Imported Module MSOline" }
- Line 6 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for Try is scriptblock
- Line 7 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing.
- Line 8 Load MSOnline PowerShell module via Import-Module
- -Name: targets the module
- -DisableNameChecking: suppresses the message that warns you when you import a cmdlet or function whose name includes an unapproved verb or a prohibited character
- -ErrorAction: overrides the value of the $ErrorActionPreference variable for the current command
- Stop. Displays the error message and stops executing the command.
- Line 9 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing.
- Line 10 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for Try is scriptblock
- Line 11 declares the Catch block if Try block errors
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Catch { Write-Verbose -Message "MSOnline Module not found." Write-Verbose -Message 'Check if PowerShell session running in "run as administrator"' If (((whoami /all | select-string S-1-16-12288) -ne $null) -eq $false) { Write-Error 'PowerShell must be ran in "run as administrator to install MSOnline module"' Exit } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Installing MSOnline Module" Install-Module MSOnline Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline" Import-Module MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot import module 'MSOnline' because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } } }
- Line 12 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for Catch's scriptblock
- Line 13 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing.
- Line 14 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing.
- Line 15 Logical test using If statement to check if PowerShell console running as Administrator
If (((whoami /all | select-string -Pattern S-1-16-12288) -ne $null) -eq $false)
- First, I utilize a cmdline command whoami /all to displays all information in the current access token, including the current user name, security identifiers (SID), privileges, and groups that the current user belongs to.
- Next, using our handy pipeline ( | ) to pass the results of whoami to Select-String cmdlet
- Select-String uses Pattern to search passed results for S-1-16-122888
- We wrap the above commands within " ( ) " and check to confirm results are not equal (-ne) to $null
- This confirms that results from whoami /all with select-string is not empty
- Lastly, results of previous commands are evaluated to equal (-eq) $false
- Lines 16-19 only execute if whoami returns as $false for "run as administrator"
17 18
Write-Error 'PowerShell must be ran in "run as administrator to install MSOnline module"' Exit
- Line 16 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for If's scriptblock
- Line 17 Write-Error prints read error message to screen
- Line 18 Exit quits the execution of script
- Line 19 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If's scriptblock
- Line 20 Declares our else statement, used with If to provide a defined set of code for when If returns as $false.
- Lines 21-33 only executes if whoami returns as $true for "run as administrator"
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
{ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Installing MSOnline Module" Install-Module -Name MSOnline Try { Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline" Import-Module MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot import module 'MSOnline' because $_" -ErrorAction Stop } }
- Line 21 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for Else's scriptblock
- Line 22 Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Installing MSOnline Module"
- Line 23 Install MSOnline PowerShell module via Install-Module
Install-Module MSOnline
- Line 24 Try
- Line 25 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for Try's scriptblock
- Line 26 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing.
Write-Verbose -Message "$(Get-Date -f o) Importing Module MSOline"
- Line 27 Load MSOnline PowerShell module via Import-Module
Import-Module MSOnline -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop
- -Name: targets the module
- -DisableNameChecking: suppresses the message that warns you when you import a cmdlet or function whose name includes an unapproved verb or a prohibited character
- -ErrorAction: overrides the value of the $ErrorActionPreference variable for the current command
- Stop. Displays the error message and stops executing the command.
- Line 28 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for Try's scriptblock
- Line 29 Catch
- Lines 30-32 only execute if error in Try scriptblock
- Line 30 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for Catch's scriptblock
- Line 31 Write-Error prints read error message to screen
Write-Error -Message "Error. Cannot import module 'MSOnline' because $_" -ErrorAction Stop
- Line 32 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for Catch's scriptblock
- Line 33 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for Else's scriptblock
- Line 34 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for Catch's scriptblock
- Line 35 Declares an other Try catch series to establish connection to MSOnline
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Try { Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting MSOnline" Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction Stop > $null Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Connected to MSOnline (Azure Active Directory)" Write-Verbose -Message "Connected MSOnline" } Catch [Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.MicrosoftOnlineException] { Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to Connect to MSOnline because bad username or password." -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to connect to MSOnline because $_" -ErrorAction Stop }
- Lines 36-42
- Line 36 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for Try's scriptblock
- Line 37 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing.
Write-Verbose -Message "Connecting MSOnline"
- Line 38 Connect to MS Online using encrypted credentials
Connect-MsolService -Credential $cred -ErrorAction Stop
- -Credential $cred
- Use variable $cred created from Get-)365EncryptedCredentials.ps1
- -ErrorAction: overrides the value of the $ErrorActionPreference variable for the current command
- Stop. Displays the error message and stops executing the command.
- Line 39 Check connection by confirming access to domains
Get-MsolDomain -ErrorAction Stop > $null
- Line 40 Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Connected to MSOnline (Azure Active Directory)"
- Line 41 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing.
Write-Verbose -Message "Connected MSOnline"
- Line 42 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for Try's scriptblock
- Line 43 Catch with specific requirement of bad username \ password
45 46
{ Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to Connect to MSOnline because bad username or password." -ErrorAction Stop }
- Lines 44-46 only execute if Try scriptblock errors and the error is bad username \ password
- Line 44 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for Catch's scriptblock
- Line 45 Write-Error prints read error message to screen
Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to Connect to MSOnline because bad username or password." -ErrorAction Stop
- Line 46 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for Catch's scriptblock
- Line 47 Declares general error Catch
48 49
{ Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to connect to MSOnline because $_" -ErrorAction Stop }
- Line 48-50 only executes if Try scriptblock errors and not related to bad username \ password
- Line 48 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for Catch's scriptblock
- Line 49 Write-Error prints read error message to screen
Write-Error -Message "Error. Failed to connect to MSOnline because $_" -ErrorAction Stop
- Line 50 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for Catch's scriptblock
51 52 53 54 55 56 | ##Close open O365 Sessions $ExitPowershell = Read-Host -Prompt "Disconnect from O365 (Will close current Powershell Window) [Y]/N" If ($ExitPowershell -eq "Y" -OR $ExitPowershell -eq $null -OR $ExitPowershell -eq "") { stop-process -Id $PID } |
- Line 51 Comments out text via pound ( # )
- Line 52 Prompt user to close PowerShell session and as such Microsoft Online connection
$ExitPowershell = Read-Host -Prompt "Disconnect from O365 (Will close current Powershell Window) [Y]/N"
- Read-Host Prints to display what is in quotes (" ") and waits for user to respond (-prompt is optional)
- User entered value is saved to variable $ExitPowershell via assignment operator equals (=)
- Line 53 Logical test to determine if user wants to close PowerShell console
If ($ExitPowershell -eq "Y" -OR $ExitPowershell -eq $null -OR $ExitPowershell -eq "")
- Multiple formulas utilized to allow for a default [Y]es sperated by -OR
- $ExitPowershell -eq "Y"
- $ExitPowershell -eq $null
- $ExitPowershell -eq ""
- Line 54 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for If's scriptblock
- Line 55 Closes current PowerShell console
stop-process -Id $PID
- -ID targets provided process ID
- Use an Automatic Variable of $PID to pass current PowerShell console Process ID
- Line 56 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If's scriptblock
Full script can be accessed from following link:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Code Snippets created via: http://hilite.me/
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Today's post I will be explaining a script the builds on last weeks script Set-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1.
The purpose of Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 is to validate the files created in Set-O365EcryptedCredentials.ps1. It can be run in two modes: Test or Pass-Thru.
This section of code contains needed information to respond to Get-Help requests. To view complete help execute string below:
It covers what the script does, provides details of parameters and even examples of how to execute the script. It is good practice to complete this one for yourself and future staff but also for contributing to the PowerShell community.
This section defines the parameters for the script.
For this script I utilize two (2) parameters one being a switch type and other a string type.
First, lets cover the switch. In this script I take advantage of the default value of a switch being $false when not defined.
With that in mind the below statement creates a variable $Test with a value of $false. This will be used later in the script's logic to skip sections.
When a switch parameter is defined in script like following it receives a value of $true:
Next, I utilize a single string to define a variable $Path. I further define a default value for the variable, happens to be the executing account's LocalApplcationData folder.
One could override the default by defining the parameter when executing the script like line 1:
Or by updating the default value in the script like lines 3-4:
To reduce novice users from breaking the code I place the above note in my scripts. Basically unless you know what you are doing or willing to learn how to fix something don't edit the code below this message.
The purpose of Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 is to validate the files created in Set-O365EcryptedCredentials.ps1. It can be run in two modes: Test or Pass-Thru.
- Test Mode will provide feedback on username and if able to load password back into a secure string.
- Pass-Thru (Default) will pass the loaded credentials back to requesting script.
- This will be used in later scripts.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | <# .SYNOPSIS Load saved Office 365 Credentials from Set-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 and either pass or test present .DESCRIPTION Check for O365 user and credential files: o user.txt - Contains O365 UPN o cred.txt - Contains encrypted O365 password Load saved Office 365 Credentials from Set-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 and either pass or test present .PARAMETER Test Use switch to confirm user name and password loaded from saved credentials .PARAMETER Path Enter alternate path to save files to, defualt is users local app data .EXAMPLE Test for encrypted credential files Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Test .EXAMPLE Pass encrypted credential to calling script Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 .EXAMPLE Test for encrypted credential files with verbose messages Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Test -Verbose .NOTES Created by Chris Lee Date May 9th, 2017 .LINK GitHub: https://github.com/clee1107/Public/blob/master/O365/Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 Blogger: http://www.myitresourcebook.com/2017/05/get-o365encryptedcredentialsps1_9.html #> |
1 | Get-Help Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Full |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [switch] $Test, [String] $Path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("LocalApplicationData") ) |
For this script I utilize two (2) parameters one being a switch type and other a string type.
First, lets cover the switch. In this script I take advantage of the default value of a switch being $false when not defined.
With that in mind the below statement creates a variable $Test with a value of $false. This will be used later in the script's logic to skip sections.
1 2 | [Switch] $Test |
1 | Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Test |
Next, I utilize a single string to define a variable $Path. I further define a default value for the variable, happens to be the executing account's LocalApplcationData folder.
One could override the default by defining the parameter when executing the script like line 1:
1 2 3 4 | Set-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Path "\\server\share\folder [String] $Path = "\\Server\share\folder" |
Code Break
1 2 3 | ################################# ## DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ## ################################# |
Check for User File
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | ##Load User name Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for user file" IF (!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\O365user.txt")) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "No user file found" Write-Error -Message "No user file found" Exit } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "User File found" $AdminName = Get-Content "$Path\O365user.txt" } |
- Line 1 Comments out text via pound ( # ) and used as a section marker
- Line 2 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
- Line 3 is using several logic tests an If statement along with Test-Path, and a modifer the exclamation mark (!).
- Let's check out Test-Path first:
- Checks to determine if defined path or file does exists to return $true else it returns $false
- Next we have the exclamation mark (!):
- This is a logic operator that changes the test to opposite (can also be represented as "-not")
- In script changes Test-Path logic above to now read:
- Checks to determine if defined path or file does not exists to return $true else it returns $false
- Now let's pull it all together in our Ifstatement:
IF (!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\O365user.txt"))
- In this scenario our logic test is checking that the defined file "O365user.txt" does not exist. If $true will execute following code inside{}otherwise execute code within else's {}
- Line 4-8 only execute when If statements does not find defined file.
- Line 4 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for If's scriptblock
- Line 5
- Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "No user file found"
- The parameter -foreground allows color to be defined, in this case the color is red.
- Line 6
- Write-Error prints read error message to screen
- Line 7
- Exit quits the execution of script
- Line 8 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If's scriptblock
- Lines 9-13 only executes when If statement does find the defined file
- Line 9 Declares our else statement, used with If to provide a defined set of code for when If returns as $false.
- Line 10 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for else's scriptblock
- Line 11
- Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "User File found"
- The parameter -foreground allows color to be defined, in this case as color green
- Line 12 Uses Get-Content to read lines from "O365user.txt" and save them to $AdminName varaible via assignment operator equals (=)
$AdminName = Get-Content "$Path\O365user.txt"
- Line 13 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for else's scriptblock
1 | Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Verbose |
1 | Write-Error -Message "No user file found"
Check for Encrypted password file
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | ##Load Encrypted password Write-Verbose -Message "Checking for required password file" IF (!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\O365cred.txt")) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "No password file found" Write-Error -Message "No password file found" Exit } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Password File Found" $Pass = Get-Content "$Path\O365cred.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString } |
- Line 1 Comments out text via pound ( # ) and used as a section marker
- Line 2 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
- Line 3 is using several logic tests an If statement along with Test-Path, and a modifer the exclamation mark (!).
- Let's check out Test-Path first:
- Checks to determine if defined path or file does exists to return $true else it returns $false
- Next we have the exclamation mark (!):
- This is a logic operator that changes the test to opposite (can also be represented as "-not")
- In script changes Test-Path logic above to now read:
- Checks to determine if defined path or file does not exists to return $true else it returns $false
- Now let's pull it all together in our If statement:
IF (!(Test-Path -Path "$Path\O365cred.txt"))
- In this scenario our logic test is checking that the defined file "O365cred.txt" does not exist. If $true will execute following code inside{}otherwise execute code within else's {}
- Line 4-8 only execute when If statements does not find defined file.
- Line 4 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for If is scriptblock
- Line 5
- Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "No password file found"
- The parameter -foreground allows color to be defined, in this case the color is red.
- Line 6
- Write-Error prints read error message to screen
- Line 7
- Exit quits the execution of script
- Line 8 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If is scriptblock
- Line 9 Declares our else statement, used with If to provide a defined set of code for when If returns as $false.
- Lines 10-13 only executes when If statement does find the defined file.
- Line 10 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for else is scriptblock
- Line 11
- Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Password File found"
- The parameter -foreground allows color to be defined, in this case as color green
- Line 12 Introduces a new cmdlet "ConvertTo-SecureString" so lets walk through this line.
$Pass = Get-Content "$Path\O365cred.txt" | ConvertTo-SecureString
- As used previously Get-Content reads lines from files (in this case O365cred.txt)
- Next we use pipeline ( | ) to feed output of Get-Content to ConvertTo-SecureString
- ConvertTo-SecureString converts the encrypted standard strings from Get-Content to a secure strings
- Lastly we use the assignment operator equals (=) to assign the secure string value to our variable $Pass
- Line 13 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If is scriptblock
1 | Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Verbose |
1 | Write-Error -Message "No password file found"
1 2 3 | ## Create Cred variable Write-Verbose -Message "Creating Credential varialble from files" $Cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $AdminName, $Pass |
- Line 1 Comments out text via pound ( # ) and used as a section marker
- Line 2 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
- Line 3 Uses New-Object to make PSCredential from the provided username and password and then save to $Cred variable
- -typename defines the type of object to be created
- In this case we are defining System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
- -arguementlist list of items to be used in creation of new object
- In this case we use previous defined variables: $AdminName and $Pass
- assignment operator equals (=) to assign the PSCredential value to our variable $Cred
1 | Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Verbose |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | ## Check if testing or passing credentials Write-Verbose -Message "Check if in test mode or pass-thru mode" If ($test) { Write-Verbose -Message "Test mode" ## Display loaded credentias Write-Host "Username: $($Cred.UserName)" Write-Host "Password: $($Cred.Password)" } Else { Write-Verbose -Message "Pass-thru mode" ## Passing Cred variable to other script $Cred } |
- Line 1 Comments out text via pound ( # ) and used as a section marker
- Line 2 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
- Line 3 uses an If statement to check value of $test
- Lines 4-9 only execute when $test is $true
4 5 6 7 8 9
{ Write-Verbose -Message "Test mode" ## Display loaded credentias Write-Host "Username: $($Cred.UserName)" Write-Host "Password: $($Cred.Password)" }
- Line 4 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for else is scriptblock
- Line 5 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
- Line 6 Comments out text via pound ( # ) and used as a section marker
- Line 7 Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host "Username: $($Cred.UserName)"
- Use $( ) Subexpression operator to call $Cred arrays UserName value
- Line 8 Write-Host will print the text with quotes (" ") to screen for user to read.
Write-Host "Username: $($Cred.Password)"
- Use $( ) Subexpression operator to call $Cred arrays Password value
- Line 9 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If is scriptblock
- Line 10 Declares our else statement, used with If to provide a defined set of code for when If returns as $false.
- Lines 11-15 only execute when $test is $false
11 12 13 14 15
{ Write-Verbose -Message "Pass-thru mode" ## Passing Cred variable to other script $Cred }
- Line 11 Contains the opening bracket ( { ) for else is scriptblock
- Line 12 is used for debugging to see what the script is doing. Verbose messages will only be displayed when script is executed with the Verbose parameter, like such:
- Line 13 Comments out text via pound ( # ) and used as a section marker
- Line 14 Calls $Cred to pass back to calling script
- Line 15 Contains the closing bracket ( } ) for If is scriptblock
1 | Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Verbose |
1 | Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Verbose |
1 | Get-O365EncryptedCredentials.ps1 -Verbose |
Full script can be accessed from following link:
Further reference links for PowerShell cmdlets used can be found on following post:
Code Snippets created via: http://hilite.me/
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